Monday, December 05, 2005

Valleys of Trust

Here is what I feel in my riding:

Momentum creates valleys of resistance to balance, which will either keep you on or fling you off. When you're deep in these valleys, your bike will behave as though it were upright to an extent, allowing you to ride as though it were, but you have to trust it. That is the hard part, trusting it, trusting yourself. Brakes take you out of the valley in a heartbeat. That is why there are some tricks that are simply impossible with brakes, but all tricks are possible without. It all amounts to your trust. That makes me think of Paul's pinky-squeaks.

The bike's motion will try to bully through a g-turn or switch and the best thing to do is allow it to do so, but you have to get there BEFORE the momentum does and be gone when it arrives. You will only meet your momentum at that point where you g-turn and in that instant, you are as stable as though you were not moving at all. But you have to be waiting when momentum arrives with your lasso, ready to wrangle it and force it to do what you want. Well, not force, more like nudge. But it takes trust, once again.

That is the single biggest thing that allows me to progress. Trust. If I am angry at myself or my bike, I can't lead my momentum, can't trust it. It's all a headgame.

This what I have learned since I started riding with Paul. I think my time away from riding allowed me some perspective or growth, so I am glad I stopped for that time. Now, when I watch videos, I feel what they are feeling and the ONLY thing that keeps me from the tricks that the pros do is trust. Period.

Once you allow yourself to trust, allow yourself to simply do those tricks, your mind will be blown as mine is. Seriously. I am shaking as I write this because it is such a big deal to me. The trust I have for myself because of my riding has made me who I am. Not only that, it has made me love who I am. That love comes out in my riding more than just about anything.

It is the equivalent of what the surfer faces when he is charging a wave; the hunter feels sighting the charging bear; the scholar feels conceiving the neoteric theory. It is the trust, the accomplishment, the cresting of the hill and glimpsing the next challenge.

That is what I feel when I ride.



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