Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Future of Flatland

Hey, what do you guys think the future of flatland in Oregon is gonna be like? Where do you think its headed? Do you think it will die out? Any new young riders comin into the scene?

Over here, there are so many new riders. I've pretty much met all the riders here in Seoul, but the last couple times I went out there were a bunch of new young kids. I said "How long you been riding?" but they said just a few month or even weeks. Some of them are still in high school. Maybe they won't last, but it seems like there are so many kids here who wanna get into it. It's fuckin awesome. They think I'm old school!


Blogger Voodstoc said...

Hmmm, the future of flatland in Oregon? I think there will be several isolated riders who have no clue that there are other flatlanders in Oregon. I really think that is the way it must be right now. I'll bet there is some kid who totally kicks ass and always ridea alone.

9:00 PM  

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