Monday, October 31, 2005

Floor of Lethargic Dreams

Well, I was on the floor of Coach's place, again...or rather the couch, but the Lethargic Dream captured me again.

I was riding with Justin, Darrel and Joe through a modern riding facility in Japan. We were there to claim our place and meet up with Sarge. We found Sarge sitting with a group of street riders, listening to a lecture given by two aliens with enlarged green heads who reminded me of swammies. The aliens were high on terran marijuana, so Darrel sat down for a contact high.

I needed a rim, so we went to the Flatland Store one floor down and they had a red Duralectra rim with my name on it...literally. Tom was running the place and he wouldn't sell it to me because I had a Santiam sticker on my shirt. Martti Kuopa laughed at me when I cried.

Justin ended up on the turntables trying to work the croud when all of the sudden Sarge stood up and started dancing and screaming lyrics to some korean version of "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds." Coach started talking to Mike Steingrabber about his socks and seemed to have found a pint of ale, somehwere.

I started to stress about how dirty my bike was and Sarge laughed at me. Then we found that we were going to have to ride next to a pool and there was water all over our space.

Well, that is the dream I joke. I don't know what it is about Joe's place, but I usually have some fucked up vivid dream. All I can say is...trippy.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Tap that Combo!

Well, the contest didn't happen. Having it outside in the fall is not a good idea. We decided to hang in Portland and ride the wherehouse. Coach, Tzim and I rode for a good three hours. I have been having some really good sessions, lately, and this weekend was another keeper.

I have been trying karl kruizers into half-packs and I finally got one around. Then I got two more. It drops right into the half- pack and feels so smooth and fluid, just like I thought it would. I didn't pull any, but I can get out of half-packs already, so I am good. I am obsessed with this one and it's no joke. I think it is the hardest single switch I have done, along with half bar flips to half-hiker. I also have been working on pinky squeeks out of my spinning steam combos and I got ahold of one this weekend. I think I am on the verge of having some good stuff that I can actually pull out of, which will be nice. With everyone buying video cameras, now is a good time to put this shit together, I'd say.

Being on my bike is relieving so much stress, which is something I really need now. I just wish Sarge would send me some clips...

Monday, October 24, 2005


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"Abby, STOP! I just saw a bum piss in that fountain three minutes ago!"


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"Man, why can't I lift my bike, anymore? Am I that old... Oh, my foot's on the peg. Man, do I feel like an idiot!"


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This trick is seriously hard! I sure wish he'd play with these more.


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Raise your hand, raise your haaaand..if you're Sure (tm.)!


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Sarge has replaced the thumbs up, to Joe's relief.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Rock-n-Roll, Bitches!

Well, I had a great session with Paul, tonight. I pulled a hang-ten to halfpack back into a switch-five and pulled out via a squeeker clean. Did I mention that we got it on tape?! Yes, oh yes...immortalized. I am so friggin stoked about that. I got several things on film, which is very cool. I was having a great session.
Sarge debuted his mini-movie and I have to say it was nice. He has some good stuff on film and he put it together in a nice, straight-forward way. I really enjoyed it and I am glad that he isn't computer illiterate, so that he is able to do things like this. GOOD JOB, SARGE!

Sunday, October 16, 2005


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Here is a picture I made with Bryce 5. I was trying to make the peg dripping blood that I think would be a great logo for the BBB.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Coming out

Hello, guys I just wanted you to know that I am switching jobs. I am going to become a dancer. It's my life's dream. I want to be pretty. I want to be dainty. I am going to paint my bike pink and armwrestle sailors.



I had a nice mini-session out in front of my apartment, tonight. I had an epiphany about pegahawks that was cool. My neighbors were laughing at me when I screwed up in some childish attempt to bother me and it worked...until I started pulling my stuff, then they shut up. A local kid came up and was blown away. He rides and I hope he goes home and asks his parents for pegs.

I am joning for a P-town session after talking to Coach and Tzim, tonight. Seriously. Today was the fisrt day that I feel like I can really ride in over a week. ALL DAY I was thinking about it. Next weekend is a go, absolutely.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Fall IN!!

Ok guys, sound off as to whether or not you are going to the contest. Seriously. I can't drive in Washington, so if I can't ride with someone or have someone drive my car, I ain't going. It seems like everyone has a plan, I just don't know it. Paul needs to make up his mind, too. I can probably get a few guys who can crash at mom's place if you don't want to head back right after and she has a refridgerator.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Flip a coin

I was just thinking about how some of the best sessions I have had with Sarge were times when we communicated the least. Kinda funny how that works.

I also was thinking yesterday about how flatlanding makes me feel more alive. It really does. When I am sick or something, flatland seems to have the effect of focussing me on my mortality (possibly because I crash so much?!) and I am left with the feeling that riding is living. I dread a day when I will have to stop my progression. There is a song by Rush called, "Losing it." I have always thought about BMX when I hear that song, because I am sure that I will experience that someday...unless I die before I cannot ride anymore. Hmmmm, which would you chose?

Friday, October 07, 2005


I think Sarge's plane must have gone down over enemy territory. Last time I heard from his battallion, he was rendezvousing with a female operative.

You know how he gets with his women, guys. He smells a little pussy and it's all over...


Thursday, October 06, 2005

poop coat sleepover #4 at scotts

its lookin like the secondweekin nov.come one come all,this time hopefully bret and roll can make it out,of course i'll be thier,jermy,paul,daryl,and stew.oh ya eli and meg whom ive named the event after,if you remember she wasn't satisfied with her natural coat,so she try'd to cover herself in poop,she did agood job.oh ya jack will probably make an appearance...joe

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

portlands good

I basicly had just woke up when the phone rang,it was jeff,he said daryl,rolland himself were going to hit up the grant courts for a night session, i told him i'd see him in a few.On the way over i stopped off at tims office popped my head in the door,told him session at grant he was good with that and we had a fun time.Five guys rollin around on a week night,now thats a keeper...joe

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

paint balls

thomass posted on pedal that theres another contest at thrill zone in tacoma on oct 29,with a covered area thistime lets all hit it up,i mean all of us daryl,groundhog,scot,stewart the whole famn damily,wutcha think...joe

Sunday, October 02, 2005


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I am curious to know if Coach has ridden on this reservoir.

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Abby took these. This one is great!

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I like how she got my gut centered.

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This is a really good shot from a 6 year old!

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We were having a good time working on our 'lashes.

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Look at those damned SHINS!!

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I like this one for some reason.

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God, I have a great ass!

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My neighbor told me that Sarge has a great ass, as well!


Slight Diversion

Well, I got Diversion 5.0 yesterday and it's great. Japan looks like THE best place to go for a flatland vacation. The level of riding in this vid is incredible. A 13 year old kid doing things that I can't do. Go get this DVD, now.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

I don't ever wanna die!!

Well, I had a great session, tonight. I hit four turbine-hikers to switchand-steam. Three bars backward and one bars forward. I think I am getting that combo, finally. I also did a few hang-ten to halfpackers. They were somewhat scary at first, since I had eaten so badly earlier this week on one. I was doing them and then scuffing when I got a wild hair up my ass to stubble-duck the bike around into a fork-wheelie. It goes right around, but it is not an easy move by any means. I am going to see if I can go anywhere with it, though. I think watching Pete Brandt before we hit the lot stoked me and gave me some motivation. I also was doing some switchhand steams into crackpacker and switching my hands once I was rolling, which is totally linkable. I can't wait to play with those at the warehouse!